# Update Psono server CE

Update instruction for the Community Edition of the Psono server

# Preamble

From time to time you want to update to the latest version. Dependent on the installation you will have to follow different (but similar) procedures. At this point we assume that you have created a backup of your postgres database. If you have a possibility to snapshot your machine, please do so. Check that you are running Postgres 13 or later. The guide contains some steps to backup the application yet due to updating some system dependencies / python packages on the way can fail in some cases.

# Update with Docker

  1. Update the docker image

     docker pull psono/psono-server:latest
  2. Stop old psono-server

     docker stop psono-server
  3. Update the database

     docker run --rm \
       -v /opt/docker/psono/settings.yaml:/root/.psono_server/settings.yaml \
       -ti psono/psono-server:latest python3 ./psono/manage.py migrate
  4. Start new psono-server

    docker run --name psono-server-new \
        --sysctl net.core.somaxconn=65535 \
        -v /opt/docker/psono/settings.yaml:/root/.psono_server/settings.yaml \
        -d --restart=unless-stopped -p 10100:80 psono/psono-server:latest


    If you used custom volume mounts e.g. for custom branding, then make sure to adjust the command accordingly and add your volume mounts.

  5. Cleanup

    If everything works you can cleanup your containers with the following commands:

    docker rm psono-server
    docker rename psono-server-new psono-server

If anything fails you should be able to restore the database, and start the old docker container again.

# Update for Ubuntu

This guide will update the Psono server. It has been tested on Ubuntu 18.04.

  1. Become the psono user

    sudo -iu psono
  2. Backup the git folder

    mv ~/psono-server ~/psono-server-backup
  3. Clone the updated newest version

    git clone https://gitlab.com/psono/psono-server.git ~/psono-server
  4. Become root

    Ctrl + D
    sudo -i
  5. Install python requirements

    cd /home/psono/psono-server
    pip3 install -r requirements.txt
    su psono                            # become psono again
  6. Update your database

    python3  ~/psono-server/psono/manage.py migrate
  7. Restart the Psono server

    supervisorctl restart psono-server
  8. Cleanup

    If everything works you can remove the backup folder

    sudo rm /home/psono/psono-server-backup

If anything fails you should be able to restore the database, delete the new psono-server folder and copy the backup folder back to its original place.

# Update for CentOS

This guide will update the Psono server. It has been tested on CentOS 7.

  1. Become the psono user

    sudo -iu psono
  2. Backup the git folder

    mv ~/psono-server ~/psono-server-backup
  3. Clone the updated newest version

    git clone https://gitlab.com/psono/psono-server.git ~/psono-server
  4. Become root

    Ctrl + D
    sudo -i
  5. Install python requirements

    cd /home/psono/psono-server
    pip3 install -r requirements.txt
    su psono                            # become psono again
  6. Update your database

    python3  ~/psono-server/psono/manage.py migrate
  7. Restart the Psono server

    supervisorctl restart psono-server
  8. Cleanup

    If everything works you can remove the backup folder

    sudo rm /home/psono/psono-server-backup

If anything fails you should be able to restore the database, delete the new psono-server folder and copy the backup folder back to its original place.