# Custom Branding

# Preamble

This guide explains how to customize the look and feel of Psono. You can change logos, links and styles.


Even so we try to keep paths, sizes, themes and so on all stable, it may happen from time to time that you have to adjust your customizations to a new verison.

# Client

  1. Upload the logo

First upload the new logo to e.g. /opt/docker/psono-client/top_logo.png. The original logo has a resolution of 172x35 px.

  1. Change start command

    docker run --name psono-combo \
        --sysctl net.core.somaxconn=65535 \
        -v /opt/docker/psono/settings.yaml:/root/.psono_server/settings.yaml \
        -v /opt/docker/psono-client/config.json:/usr/share/nginx/html/config.json \
        -v /opt/docker/psono-client/config.json:/usr/share/nginx/html/portal/config.json \
        -d --restart=unless-stopped -p 10200:80 psono/psono-combo:latest

    Adjust this to include:

        -v /opt/docker/psono-client/top_logo.png:/usr/share/nginx/html/img/logo-inverse.png \

    Restart the client afterward

  1. Upload the logo

    First upload the new logo to e.g. /opt/docker/psono-client/sign_in_logo.png. The original logo has a resolution of 172x35 px.

  2. Change start command

    docker run --name psono-combo \
        --sysctl net.core.somaxconn=65535 \
        -v /opt/docker/psono/settings.yaml:/root/.psono_server/settings.yaml \
        -v /opt/docker/psono-client/config.json:/usr/share/nginx/html/config.json \
        -v /opt/docker/psono-client/config.json:/usr/share/nginx/html/portal/config.json \
        -d --restart=unless-stopped -p 10200:80 psono/psono-combo:latest

    Adjust this to include:

        -v /opt/docker/psono-client/sign_in_logo.png:/usr/share/nginx/html/img/logo.png \

    Restart the client afterward

# Favicons

  1. Upload the favicons

    Psono is using favicons in multiple resolutions. Upload them to e.g. /opt/docker/psono-client. A list of the available files:

    • android-chrome-192x192.png
    • android-chrome-512x512.png
    • apple-touch-icon.png
    • appstore_apple.png
    • appstore_google.png
    • favicon-16x16.png
    • favicon-32x32.png
    • favicon.ico
    • icon-128.png
    • icon-16.png
    • icon-32.png
    • icon-48.png
    • icon-64.png
    • mstile-150x150.png
  2. Change start command

    docker run --name psono-combo \
        --sysctl net.core.somaxconn=65535 \
        -v /opt/docker/psono/settings.yaml:/root/.psono_server/settings.yaml \
        -v /opt/docker/psono-client/config.json:/usr/share/nginx/html/config.json \
        -v /opt/docker/psono-client/config.json:/usr/share/nginx/html/portal/config.json \
        -d --restart=unless-stopped -p 10200:80 psono/psono-combo:latest

    Adjust this to include your files e.g.:

        -v /opt/docker/psono-client/android-chrome-192x192.png:/usr/share/nginx/html/img/android-chrome-192x192.png \
        -v /opt/docker/psono-client/android-chrome-512x512.png:/usr/share/nginx/html/img/android-chrome-512x512.png \
        -v /opt/docker/psono-client/apple-touch-icon.png:/usr/share/nginx/html/img/apple-touch-icon.png \
        -v /opt/docker/psono-client/appstore_apple.png:/usr/share/nginx/html/img/appstore_apple.png \
        -v /opt/docker/psono-client/appstore_google.png:/usr/share/nginx/html/img/appstore_google.png \
        -v /opt/docker/psono-client/favicon-16x16.png:/usr/share/nginx/html/img/favicon-16x16.png \
        -v /opt/docker/psono-client/favicon-32x32.png:/usr/share/nginx/html/img/favicon-32x32.png \
        -v /opt/docker/psono-client/favicon.ico:/usr/share/nginx/html/img/favicon.ico \
        -v /opt/docker/psono-client/icon-128.png:/usr/share/nginx/html/img/icon-128.png \
        -v /opt/docker/psono-client/icon-16.png:/usr/share/nginx/html/img/icon-16.png \
        -v /opt/docker/psono-client/icon-32.png:/usr/share/nginx/html/img/icon-32.png \
        -v /opt/docker/psono-client/icon-48.png:/usr/share/nginx/html/img/icon-48.png \
        -v /opt/docker/psono-client/icon-64.png:/usr/share/nginx/html/img/icon-64.png \
        -v /opt/docker/psono-client/mstile-150x150.png:/usr/share/nginx/html/img/mstile-150x150.png \

    Restart the client afterward

# Custom Theme

  1. Create custom Theme

    Under the hood we are using Material UI 5. You can customize the theme including all colors, sizes and so. Create a custom theme. You can take inspiration of our default theme below.:

        "palette": {
            "background": {
                "default": "#0f1118",
                "paper": "#fff"
            "primary": {
                "main": "#2dbb93"
            "secondary": {
                "main": "#0b4a23"
            "action": {
                "disabledBackground": "#2dbb9380"
            "lightGreyText": {
                "main": "#b1b6c1",
                "light": "#b1b6c1",
                "dark": "#b1b6c1",
                "contrastText": "#b1b6c1"
            "greyText": {
                "main": "#666",
                "light": "#666",
                "dark": "#666",
                "contrastText": "#666"
            "checked": {
                "main": "#9c27b0",
                "light": "#9c27b0",
                "dark": "#9c27b0",
                "contrastText": "#9c27b0"
            "blueBackground": {
                "main": "#151f2b",
                "light": "#151f2b",
                "dark": "#151f2b",
                "contrastText": "#151f2b"
            "badgeBackground": {
                "main": "#777",
                "light": "#777",
                "dark": "#777",
                "contrastText": "#777"
            "appBarText": {
                "main": "#777",
                "light": "#777",
                "dark": "#777",
                "contrastText": "#777"
            "appBarReadOnlyText": {
                "main": "#777",
                "light": "#777",
                "dark": "#777",
                "contrastText": "#777"
            "appBarReadOnlyBackground": {
                "main": "#fad8a6",
                "light": "#fad8a6",
                "dark": "#fad8a6",
                "contrastText": "#fad8a6"
            "appBarBackground": {
                "main": "#fff",
                "light": "#fff",
                "dark": "#fff",
                "contrastText": "#fff"
            "baseBackground": {
                "main": "#ebeeef",
                "light": "#ebeeef",
                "dark": "#ebeeef",
                "contrastText": "#ebeeef"
            "lightBackground": {
                "main": "#fff",
                "light": "#fff",
                "dark": "#fff",
                "contrastText": "#fff"
            "baseTitleBackground": {
                "main": "#f2f5f7",
                "light": "#f2f5f7",
                "dark": "#f2f5f7",
                "contrastText": "#f2f5f7"
        "typography": {
            "fontFamily": "\"Open Sans\", sans-serif",
            "fontSize": 13
        "components": {
            "MuiTextField": {
                "defaultProps": {
                    "margin": "dense",
                    "size": "small"
            "MuiToolbar": {
                "styleOverrides": {
                    "regular": {
                        "height": "48px",
                        "minHeight": "48px",
                        "@media(min-width:600px)": {
                            "minHeight": "48px"
            "MUIDataTable": {
                "styleOverrides": {
                    "paper": {
                        "boxShadow": "none"
            "MuiButton": {
                "styleOverrides": {
                    "containedPrimary": {
                        "color": "white"
                    "root": {
                        "color": "rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.87)"
  2. Add it to config.json

      "backend_servers": [...],
      "base_url": "https://psono.example.com/",
      "theme": {
        "palette": {

    Restart the client afterward

# Custom CSS

  1. Create custom CSS file

    You should start off with one of our existing CSS files and modify it e.g. custom.css A list of all CSS files can be found here: https://gitlab.com/psono/psono-client/-/tree/master/src/common/data/css

    We assume that you have your modified copy present in e.g. /opt/docker/psono-client/custom.css

  2. Change start command

    docker run --name psono-combo \
        --sysctl net.core.somaxconn=65535 \
        -v /opt/docker/psono/settings.yaml:/root/.psono_server/settings.yaml \
        -v /opt/docker/psono-client/config.json:/usr/share/nginx/html/config.json \
        -v /opt/docker/psono-client/config.json:/usr/share/nginx/html/portal/config.json \
        -d --restart=unless-stopped -p 10200:80 psono/psono-combo:latest

    Adjust this to include:

        -v /opt/docker/psono-client/custom.css:/usr/share/nginx/html/css/custom.css \

    Restart the client afterward

There are a couple of links shown in the left sidebar in the "more" section. You can customize them.

  1. Modify config.json

    Usually you start off with a config.json like this:

      "backend_servers": [...],
      "base_url": "https://psono.example.com/",

    You can now modify it to show other more links like shown below:

      "backend_servers": [...],
      "base_url": "https://psono.example.com/",
      "more_links": [{
          "href": "https://support.example.com/",
          "title": "Company Support"

    If you want to add the original links to then this is how it would looks like:

      "backend_servers": [...],
      "base_url": "https://psono.example.com/",
      "more_links": [{
          "href": "https://doc.psono.com/",
          "title": "DOCUMENTATION",
          "class": "fa-book"
          "href": "privacy-policy.html",
          "title": "PRIVACY_POLICY",
          "class": "fa-user-secret"
          "href": "https://www.psono.com",
          "title": "ABOUT_US",
          "class": "fa-info-circle"

    Here you also see the usage of custom CSS classes to show custom icons. Psono currently supports Fontawesome 4.0 icons.

    Restart the client afterward

# Server

# Logo in E-Mails

  1. Upload the logo

    First upload the new logo to e.g. /opt/docker/psono-server/email_logo.png

  2. Change start command

    docker run --name psono-combo \
        --sysctl net.core.somaxconn=65535 \
        -v /opt/docker/psono/settings.yaml:/root/.psono_server/settings.yaml \
        -v /opt/docker/psono-client/config.json:/usr/share/nginx/html/config.json \
        -v /opt/docker/psono-client/config.json:/usr/share/nginx/html/portal/config.json \
        -d --restart=unless-stopped -p 10200:80 psono/psono-combo:latest

    Adjust this to include:

        -v /opt/docker/psono-server/email_logo.png:/root/psono/static/email/logo.png \

    Restart the server afterward

# Email templates

  1. Download the existing

    First copy all the email templates from e.g. https://gitlab.com/psono/psono-server/-/tree/master/psono/templates/email?ref_type=heads into a folder, e.g. /opt/docker/email-templates

  2. Change start command

    You can now replace one email template or the whole template folder with e.g.

    docker run --name psono-combo \
        --sysctl net.core.somaxconn=65535 \
        -v /opt/docker/psono/settings.yaml:/root/.psono_server/settings.yaml \
        -v /opt/docker/psono-client/config.json:/usr/share/nginx/html/config.json \
        -v /opt/docker/psono-client/config.json:/usr/share/nginx/html/portal/config.json \
        -v /opt/docker/email-templates:/root/psono/templates/email \
        -d --restart=unless-stopped -p 10200:80 psono/psono-combo:latest

    As you can see we added there -v /opt/docker/email-templates:/root/psono/templates. You could also do -v /opt/docker/email-templates/new_share_created_subject.txt:/root/psono/templates/new_share_created_subject.txt to shadow a single template instead.

    Restart the server afterward