# Install Browser Extension

Installation guide for the Psono browser extensions for Chrome or Firefox.

To install one of our browser extensions, follow the appropriate guide below.

# Install Chrome / Edge extension

Open your Chrome or Edge browser and visit the following url:

chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/psonopw/eljmjmgjkbmpmfljlmklcfineebidmlo (opens new window)

# Install Firefox extension

Open your Firefox browser and visit the following url:

addons.mozilla.org/firefox/addon/psono-pw-password-manager/ (opens new window)

# Install company wide

You may want to install the browser extension for your users centrally. e.g. with Intune. You can find a guide here:


# Configuration

If you are using SAML or OIDC you may need to configure your browser extension. A Guide how to configure browser extensions can be found here:
