# Server Development
Getting started guide for the server development
# Preamble
This whole guide is based on Ubuntu 22.04 LTS. Other Ubuntu and Debian based systems should be similar if not even identical.
We assume that you already have somewhere a Postgres database running. If not follow the guide to setup postgres.
# Installation
Install some generic stuff
sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install -y \ git \ libyaml-dev \ libpython3-dev \ libpq-dev \ libffi-dev \ python3-dev \ python3-pip \ python3-psycopg2 \ postgresql-client sudo pip3 install --upgrade pip
Clone git repository
git clone https://gitlab.com/psono/psono-server.git ~/psono-server
Checkout new branch
cd ~/psono-server git fetch git checkout develop git checkout -b [name_of_your_new_branch]
Install python requirements
sudo pip3 install -r requirements.txt sudo pip3 install -r requirements-dev.txt
Create settings folder
mkdir ~/.psono_server
Create a settings.yaml in
with the following content# generate the following six parameters with the following command # python3 ~/psono-server/psono/manage.py generateserverkeys SECRET_KEY: 'Ndhz7mBYUVDEG9hNeYVgPcE4a4MRJiLQADQ5DNOUV2l7OmyAFtQ6hR6GyIErr7xF' ACTIVATION_LINK_SECRET: 'TT3dXwD6lysyqthlpQUl8WlGPeG6WSVdQBd0JBOS9ZwNynuuPsHfPJ7ComLVQsyE' DB_SECRET: 'TXUXjPOvsWYGnBNnKrITd1tvWvKOmk1sN8FMJopDuCtPT1y2pbP56R9pWIEHjAJV' EMAIL_SECRET_SALT: '$2b$12$o9HKh8yvEqYe6k0Do/YZdu' PRIVATE_KEY: 'debe5115baf449b0c53ac112d5df314bb7adcb46308b6847908c97b06746a65c' PUBLIC_KEY: '9b8f35c6261fa9840f00b86026fe11ec4e0e0cbf84b2f860713da1e442c79577' # The URL of the web client (path to e.g activate.html without the trailing slash) # WEB_CLIENT_URL: 'https://psono.example.com' # Switch DEBUG to false if you go into production DEBUG: True # Adjust this according to Django Documentation https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/2.2/ref/settings/ ALLOWED_HOSTS: ['*'] # Should be your domain without "www.". Will be the last part of the username ALLOWED_DOMAINS: ['example.com'] # If you want to disable registration, you can comment in the following line # ALLOW_REGISTRATION: False # If you want to disable the lost password functionality, you can comment in the following line # ALLOW_LOST_PASSWORD: False # If you want to enforce that the email address and username needs to match upon registration # ENFORCE_MATCHING_USERNAME_AND_EMAIL: False # If you want to restrict registration to some email addresses you can specify here a list of domains to filter # REGISTRATION_EMAIL_FILTER: ['company1.com', 'company2.com'] # Should be the URL of the host under which the host is reachable # If you open the url and append /info/ to it you should have a text similar to {"info":"{\"version\": \"....} HOST_URL: 'https://psono.example.com/server' # The email used to send emails, e.g. for activation # Not necessary if you do not plan to develop around the user activation # ATTENTION: If executed in a docker container, then "localhost" will resolve to the docker container, so # "localhost" will not work as host. Use the public IP or DNS record of the server. EMAIL_FROM: 'the-mail-for-for-example-useraccount-activations@test.com' EMAIL_HOST: 'smtp.example.com' EMAIL_HOST_USER: '' EMAIL_HOST_PASSWORD : '' EMAIL_PORT: 25 EMAIL_SUBJECT_PREFIX: '' EMAIL_USE_TLS: False EMAIL_USE_SSL: False EMAIL_SSL_CERTFILE: EMAIL_SSL_KEYFILE: EMAIL_TIMEOUT: 10 # In case one wants to use mailgun, comment in below lines and provide the mailgun access key and server name # EMAIL_BACKEND: 'anymail.backends.mailgun.EmailBackend' # MAILGUN_ACCESS_KEY: '' # MAILGUN_SERVER_NAME: '' # In case you want to offer Yubikey support, create a pair of credentials here https://upgrade.yubico.com/getapikey/ # and update the following two lines before commenting them in # YUBIKEY_CLIENT_ID: '123456' # YUBIKEY_SECRET_KEY: '8I65IA6ASDFIUHGIH5021FKJA=' # If you have your own Yubico servers, you can specify here the urls as a list # YUBICO_API_URLS: ['https://api.yubico.com/wsapi/2.0/verify'] # Cache enabled without belows Redis may lead to unexpected behaviour # Cache with Redis # By default you should use something different than database 0 or 1, e.g. 13 (default max is 16, can be configured in # redis.conf) possible URLS are: # redis://[:password]@localhost:6379/0 # rediss://[:password]@localhost:6379/0 # unix://[:password]@/path/to/socket.sock?db=0 # CACHE_ENABLE: False # CACHE_REDIS: False # CACHE_REDIS_LOCATION: 'redis://' # Enables the management API, required for the psono-admin-client / admin portal MANAGEMENT_ENABLED: True # Enables the fileserver API, required for the psono-fileserver # FILESERVER_HANDLER_ENABLED: False # Enables files for the client # FILES_ENABLED: False # Allows that users can search for partial usernames # ALLOW_USER_SEARCH_BY_USERNAME_PARTIAL: True # Allows that users can search for email addresses too # ALLOW_USER_SEARCH_BY_EMAIL: True # Disables central security reports # DISABLE_CENTRAL_SECURITY_REPORTS: True # Configures a system wide DUO connection for all clients # DUO_INTEGRATION_KEY: '' # DUO_SECRET_KEY: '' # DUO_API_HOSTNAME: '' # If you are using the DUO proxy, you can configure here the necessary HTTP proxy # DUO_PROXY_HOST: 'the-ip-or-dns-name-goes-here' # DUO_PROXY_PORT: 80 # DUO_PROXY_TYPE: 'CONNECT' # If your proxy requires specific headers you can also configure these here # DUO_PROXY_HEADERS: '' # Normally only one of the configured second factors needs to be solved. Setting this to True forces the client to solve all # MULTIFACTOR_ENABLED: True # Allows admins to limit the offered second factors in the client # ALLOWED_SECOND_FACTORS: ['yubikey_otp', 'google_authenticator', 'duo', 'webauthn'] # Your Postgres Database credentials # ATTENTION: If executed in a docker container, then "localhost" will resolve to the docker container, so # "localhost" will not work as host. Use the public IP or DNS record of the server. DATABASES: default: 'ENGINE': 'django.db.backends.postgresql_psycopg2' 'NAME': 'psono' 'USER': 'psono' 'PASSWORD': 'password' 'HOST': 'localhost' 'PORT': '5432' # for master / slave replication setup comment in the following (all reads will be redirected to the slave # slave: # 'ENGINE': 'django.db.backends.postgresql_psycopg2' # 'NAME': 'YourPostgresDatabase' # 'USER': 'YourPostgresUser' # 'PASSWORD': 'YourPostgresPassword' # 'HOST': 'YourPostgresHost' # 'PORT': 'YourPostgresPort' # Update the path to your templates folder TEMPLATES: [ { 'BACKEND': 'django.template.backends.django.DjangoTemplates', 'DIRS': ['/home/psono/psono-server/psono/templates'], 'APP_DIRS': True, 'OPTIONS': { 'context_processors': [ 'django.template.context_processors.debug', 'django.template.context_processors.request', 'django.contrib.auth.context_processors.auth', 'django.contrib.messages.context_processors.messages', ], }, }, ]
Update database credentials / secrets / paths like described in the comments
Test E-Mail (optional)
The most tedious step is usually for me to get e-mail working. To make this step easier, we offer a small test script which will send a test e-mail.
To send a test e-mail to
execute:python3 ~/psono-server/psono/manage.py sendtestmail something@something.com
If you receive this test e-mail, e-mail should be configured proper.
Create our database
python3 ~/psono-server/psono/manage.py migrate
# Run the dev server
From this point on forward, you can develop it like any other django application
To start the server you can do for example:
python3 ~/psono-server/psono/manage.py runserver
This will start the Psono server on port 10100. If you open now http://your-ip:10100/info/ you should see something like this:
{"info":"{\"version\": \"....}
If you don't, please make sure no firewall is blocking your request.
# Update database model
If you ever change parts of the model, then you can create the migration script with the following command
python3 ~/psono-server/psono/manage.py makemigrations restapi
and apply it then to your postgres installation with:
python3 ~/psono-server/psono/manage.py migrate
# Create user on the commandline:
If you are developing and don't want to setup email or go to the database to activate a user, you can just create a user on the command line with the following command:
python3 ./psono/manage.py createuser username@example.com myPassword email@something.com
Other useful commands can be found under Commands
# Run Unit Tests (with coverage)
To run unit tests, the database user needs CREATEDB rights.
coverage run --source='.' ./psono/manage.py test restapi.tests administration.tests fileserver.tests
To get a nice report one can do:
coverage report --omit=psono/restapi/migrations/*,psono/restapi/tests*,psono/administration/migrations/*,psono/administration/tests*,psono/fileserver/migrations/*,psono/fileserver/tests*
coverage html --omit=psono/restapi/migrations/*,psono/restapi/tests*,psono/administration/migrations/*,psono/administration/tests*,psono/fileserver/migrations/*,psono/fileserver/tests*
The output of this command can be shown on https://your-ip/htmlcov/
# Run local dummy smtp server
If you want to debug e-mails, like those sent during the registration, one can start a local dummy smtp server with the following command
sudo python -m smtpd -n -c DebuggingServer localhost:25