# Setup Digital Ocean Spaces S3 as file repository

Instructions how to setup a Digital Ocean Spaces bucket as file repository

# Pre-requirements

You need to have a Digital Ocean account. If not, you can register here cloud.digitalocean.com (opens new window)

# Setup Guide

This guide will walk you through the creation of a bucket, the configuration of the bucket and the creation of a service account, before it helps you to configure it in psono.

# Create bucket

  1. Login to cloud.digitalocean.com

  2. At the top right click "Create Spaces"

Step 2 Click Create Spaces

  1. Specify space information and click "Create a Space"

Step 3 Specify bucket information


Remember the name of the space. You will need it later.

# Configure CORS

  1. Click on your bucket and go to "Settings"

Step 1 Go to settings


Remember the region of the space. It is part of the url at the top. In the screenshot it is 'fra1'. You will need it later.

  1. In "CORS Configurations" click "Add"

Step 2 Add CORS configurations

and adjust the setting as shown in the screenshot

  1. Click "Save Options"

# Create access key

  1. Go to API and click "Generate New Key"

Step 1 Go to IAM


Copy the shown Key and Secret. You will need them later.

# Configure the file repository

  1. Login to Psono

Step 13 Login to Psono

  1. Go to "Other"

Step 14 Go to other

  1. Go to "File Repositories" and click "Create new file repository"

Step 15 Go to "File Repositories" and click "Create new file repository"

  1. Configure the file repository

Use any descriptive title, select Digital Ocean Spaces as type, add your bucket's name, access key and secret.

Step 16 Configure the file repository

You can now upload files from the datastore to this file repository.