# Usage with session

# Preamble

Psono allows the access of the whole datastore and all its secrets through API keys. You can access and search the datastore, read and potentially modify it. We assume at this point that you did create an unrestricted API key.

# Console client (coming soon)

# Python code example



The script could look like this:

import requests
import json
import nacl.encoding
import nacl.signing
import nacl.secret
from nacl.public import PrivateKey, PublicKey, Box
import binascii
import socket

# Replace the values of the variables below with the details of your unrestricted API key:
api_key_id = 'f8..8f'
api_key_private_key = '66...3b'
api_key_secret_key = '0a...52'
server_url = 'https://example.com/server'
server_public_key = '02...0b'
server_signature = '4c...d1'


def get_device_description():
    This info is later shown in the "Open sessions" overview in the client.
    Should be something so the user knows where this session is coming from.

    return 'Console Client ' + socket.gethostname()

def generate_client_login_info():
    Generates and signs the login info
    Returns a tuple of the session private key and the login info


    box = PrivateKey.generate()
    session_private_key = box.encode(encoder=nacl.encoding.HexEncoder).decode()
    session_public_key = box.public_key.encode(encoder=nacl.encoding.HexEncoder).decode()

    info = {
        'api_key_id': api_key_id,
        'session_public_key': session_public_key,
        'device_description': get_device_description(),

    info = json.dumps(info)

    signing_box = nacl.signing.SigningKey(api_key_private_key, encoder=nacl.encoding.HexEncoder)

    # The first 128 chars (512 bits or 64 bytes) are the actual signature, the rest the binary encoded info
    signed = signing_box.sign(info.encode())
    signature = binascii.hexlify(signed.signature)

    return session_private_key, {
        'info': info,
        'signature': signature.decode(),

def decrypt_server_login_info(login_info_hex, login_info_nonce_hex, session_public_key, session_private_key):
    Takes the login info and nonce together with the session public and private key.
    Will decrypt the login info and interpret it as json and return the json parsed object.
    :param login_info:
    :type login_info:
    :param login_info_nonce:
    :type login_info_nonce:
    :param session_public_key:
    :type session_public_key:
    :param session_private_key:
    :type session_private_key:


    crypto_box = Box(PrivateKey(session_private_key, encoder=nacl.encoding.HexEncoder),
                     PublicKey(session_public_key, encoder=nacl.encoding.HexEncoder))

    login_info = nacl.encoding.HexEncoder.decode(login_info_hex)
    login_info_nonce = nacl.encoding.HexEncoder.decode(login_info_nonce_hex)

    login_info = json.loads(crypto_box.decrypt(login_info, login_info_nonce).decode())

    return login_info

def verify_signature(login_info, login_info_signature):
    Takes the login info and the provided signature and will validate it with the help of server_signature.

    Will raise an exception if it does not match.

    :param login_info:
    :type login_info:
    :param login_info_signature:
    :type login_info_signature:


    verify_key = nacl.signing.VerifyKey(server_signature, encoder=nacl.encoding.HexEncoder)

    verify_key.verify(login_info.encode(), binascii.unhexlify(login_info_signature))

def decrypt_symmetric(text_hex, nonce_hex, secret):
    Decryts an encrypted text with nonce with the given secret

    :param text_hex:
    :type text_hex:
    :param nonce_hex:
    :type nonce_hex:
    :param secret:
    :type secret:

    text = nacl.encoding.HexEncoder.decode(text_hex)
    nonce = nacl.encoding.HexEncoder.decode(nonce_hex)

    secret_box = nacl.secret.SecretBox(secret, encoder=nacl.encoding.HexEncoder)

    return secret_box.decrypt(text, nonce)

def decrypt_with_api_secret_key(secret_hex, secret_nonce_hex):
    take anything that is encrypted with the api keys secret and decrypts it. e.g. the users secret and private key

    :param secret_hex:
    :type secret_hex:
    :param secret_nonce_hex:
    :type secret_nonce_hex:


    return decrypt_symmetric(secret_hex, secret_nonce_hex, api_key_secret_key)

def api_request(method, endpoint, data = None, token = None, session_secret_key = None):
    API Request helper that will also automatically decrypt the content if a session secret was provided.
    Will return the decrypted content.

    :param method:
    :type method:
    :param endpoint:
    :type endpoint:
    :param data:
    :type data:
    :param token:
    :type token:
    :param session_secret_key:
    :type session_secret_key:


    if token:
        headers = {'content-type': 'application/json', 'authorization': 'Token ' + token}
        headers = {'content-type': 'application/json'}

    r = requests.request(method, server_url + endpoint, data=data, headers=headers, verify=SSL_VERIFY)

    if not session_secret_key:
        return r.json()
        encrypted_content = r.json()
        decrypted_content = decrypt_symmetric(encrypted_content['text'], encrypted_content['nonce'], session_secret_key)
        return json.loads(decrypted_content)

def api_login(client_login_info):
    API Request: Sends the actual login

    :param client_login_info:
    :type client_login_info:


    method = 'POST'
    endpoint = '/api-key/login/'
    data = json.dumps(client_login_info)

    return api_request(method, endpoint, data)

def api_read_datastores(token, session_secret_key):
    Reads all datastores

    :param token:
    :type token:
    :param session_secret_key:
    :type session_secret_key:

    method = 'GET'
    endpoint = '/datastore/'

    return api_request(method, endpoint, token=token, session_secret_key=session_secret_key)

def api_read_datastore(token, session_secret_key, datastore_id):
    Reads the content of a specific datastore

    :param token:
    :type token:
    :param session_secret_key:
    :type session_secret_key:
    :param datastore_id:
    :type datastore_id:

    method = 'GET'
    endpoint = '/datastore/' + datastore_id + '/'

    return api_request(method, endpoint, token=token, session_secret_key=session_secret_key)

def main():
    # 1. Generate the login info including the private key for PFS
    session_private_key, client_login_info = generate_client_login_info()

    # 2. Send the login request and handle eventual exceptions, problems and so on ...
    json_response = api_login(client_login_info)

    # 3. Verify the signature in order to proof that we are really communicating with the server
    # (or someone who is in the posession of the servers private key :D)
    verify_signature(json_response['login_info'], json_response['login_info_signature'])

    # 4. Decrypt the actual login info with the token and session_secret_key for the transport encryption
    decrypted_sever_login_info = decrypt_server_login_info(

    token = decrypted_sever_login_info['token'] # Token that we have to send always as header
    session_secret_key = decrypted_sever_login_info['session_secret_key'] # symmetric secret for the transport encryption
    user_username = decrypted_sever_login_info['user']['username'] # The username
    user_public_key = decrypted_sever_login_info['user']['public_key'] # The user's public key

    if decrypted_sever_login_info['api_key_restrict_to_secrets']:
        print("api key is restricted. it should only be used to read specific secrets")

    # if the api key is unrestricted then the request will also return the encrypted secret and private key
    # of the user, symmetric encrypted with the api secret key
    user_private_key = decrypt_with_api_secret_key(
    ) # The user's private key

    user_secret_key = decrypt_with_api_secret_key(
    ) # The user's secret key

    # 5. Now we can start actual reading the datastore and secrets e.g. to read the datastore:
    content = api_read_datastores(token, session_secret_key)

    # 6. Read content of all password datastores
    for datastore in content['datastores']:
        if datastore['type'] != 'password':
        datastore_read_result = api_read_datastore(token, session_secret_key, datastore['id'])
        datastore_secret = decrypt_symmetric(
        datastore_content = decrypt_symmetric(


    # 7. Read content of all shares recursive

    # 8. Read a secret

if __name__ == '__main__':