# Configuration

# Preamble

We assume that you already have provisioned a Psono SaaS instance, if not please create one.

# Guide

  1. Go to "Psono SaaS" and click the pencil icon button

    Step 1 Go to "Psono SaaS" and click the "+"

  2. Setup custom domain (optional)

    You may want to use an own domain, e.g. psono.corp.com to access your instance. It is best to configure the custom domain at the beginning before you setup, e.g. SAML or onboard users. Click on "Custom Domain"

    Step 2 Click pencil symbol to add custom domain

    Enter your preferred domain, e.g. psono.corp.com

    Step 2 Enter custom domain

    Configure the displayed CNAME and TXT type DNS records.

    Step 2 Configure domain records

    Use the "arrow" button at the top to go back to the regular settings.


    It may take a couple of minutes for those domain records to show up.

  3. Configure settings.yaml

    You can now modify all the settings according to your requirements. The settings look "cryptic" yet "map" to the settings of the regular settings of the regular settings.yaml. Details about each can be found in the regular Admin documentation here e.g. /admin/overview/summary.html.

    Step 3 Modify settings.yaml

  4. Configure config.json

    Some of the documents require that you modify a config.json. There are two of those config.json, one for the regular webclient and one for the portal. You will find these settings at the end as shown in the screenshot below.

    Step 4 Modify the config.json